Cash donations
over 1 year ago
Hi there! My name is Konna, and since I found out about the existence of human trafficking when I was 11, it broke my heart. When having conversations about the issue throughout my life, people have often been surprised by the sheer scale of the issue, and how hidden it is - which has motivated me to continue talking about this. For a while I have wanted to take on a big challenge to raise both awareness, and funds for a charity whom I care about, which works towards ending slavery. Now I feel both mentally and physically ready, I have decided to run 100km, which will be the longest I will have ever run, on the day. This will be the Salomon Serpent Trail 100km Ultramarathon, in the beautiful South Downs National Park. The furthest official race I have run to date is half a marathon, so this race will also be my first ‘official’ marathon too! The challenge in this race is that it must be completed within 18 hours, and I must reach 3 checkpoints within a time limit in order to not be kicked out! So I am training hard so that this is definitely achievable! I have learnt that unfortunately, slavery exists everywhere, and it has actually increased throughout the course of history. So, if you would consider donating you are helping to save and rehabilitate the lives of men, women and children who have been held captive - both physically & psychologically. If you would like training updates and more info about this cause via WhatsApp, please email konnat777@icloud.com ! My training blog: www.maltloafgirl.wordpress.com Thank you for reading if you made it to the end. God bless you! Konna :)